My loving hubbie watched three crazy offspring this past Saturday so I could go see Hillary Clinton speak here in GR. It was hot but very cool to see her speak. She was on for about 30 minutes. I tried to attach a clip but it wouldn't load.
I personally invite you to vote. Given the current state of our economy (two attempts now to pass the bailout and counting) the state of world affairs and the frightful state of our environment - you must have an opinion. I personally don't feel we can afford 4 more years of the same. I work in the human resources field and it is really bad around here. I get requests from employees wanting to get at their retirement funds to pay bills and pay medical bills piling up. My client group have the average age of 49 years old. They have worked years in the same company - all their eggs in the same basket.
On November 4....where is your voice?