Monday, September 29, 2008

Hillary in GR

My loving hubbie watched three crazy offspring this past Saturday so I could go see Hillary Clinton speak here in GR.  It was hot but very cool to see her speak.  She was on for about 30 minutes.  I tried to attach a clip but it wouldn't load.
I personally invite you to vote.  Given the current state of our economy (two attempts now to pass the bailout and counting) the state of world affairs and the frightful state of our environment - you must have an opinion.  I personally don't feel we can afford 4 more years of the same.  I work in the human resources field and it is really bad around here.  I get requests from employees wanting to get at their retirement funds to pay bills and pay medical bills piling up.  My client group have the average age of 49 years old.  They have worked years in the same company - all their eggs in the same basket.  

On November 4....where is your voice?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big brother and baby brother

This big brother is very proud of his baby.  Because Isaac is getting better at holding his head steady, holding Isaac is easier for William.  William is convinced that Isaac knows karate.  So, that makes him a baby timelord (thank you Dr. Who and Z) and now a Karate master.  William helps Isaac karate chop his toys and stuffed animals.  Most times Isaac thinks that is a blast and laughs out loud.  Z loves to come over and talk to Isaac as well but hasn't stayed in one place long enough to get a picture.  I also hope to get a picture of Isaac and his buddy Tristan from daycare.  I came to pick him up yesterday and they both were on the mat together babbling and smiling at each other.  They are about the same age, Tristan is about 2-3 weeks older.

School is going well.  Everyone is trying to adjust to early waking hours and getting to bed at a decent time.  I really have to say I am blessed to be able to be home when school is out.  I walk across the street for Z and William arrives on the bus shortly after.  It gives us more time to talk about the day, get homework done and get dinner ready.  

One thing that is somewhat exciting is I signed up for  There isn't a running group for Kentwood so I kinda "started" one.  It is an army of 1 so far.  And if anyone joins, it will be more motivating for me.  I toss the kid in the stroller and head for the trail.  Once I figure out Z's bike chain (anyone have advice on how to KEEP the chain on the bike) then Will and Z can ride bikes while i jog/walk/run with the babe.  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

5 months already...

Our little shining star....
This picture is worth a thousand words but it is also a reminder.... Those close to my heart do not hear enough how much they mean to me.  This gorgeous yellow star wrap was sent to me out of the blue by Jill.  Jill, you are a great friend.  We don't see or talk much but it doesn't seem to affect our friendship.  Thank you for this great gift.  

Life moves too fast.  It is so easy to say the schedule is full, not enough time to call, write, say hi.  And yes, three kids, full time job, full time SkinnyBob... will keep one hopping pretty much 23.5 hours a day...but it is also about making sure it happens.  

So this is a thanks to you for being who you are.  You are appreciated.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ah, the first day of school... William is in 2nd and Z is in 1st. Z's teacher said he asked every hour when was it time to go home? I don' t exactly remember, but I am sure it is culture shock to go from 1/2 day to full day of school. Picture day is on the way and here comes the flood of daily papers..homework, slips to sign, PTA's to be on ....recycling to empty... at least most teachers are now on (and check) their email. That is the way to go. Permanent record and not all the clutter. They have had a good week so far. Getting into the routine, catching buses, meeting new teachers. Of course, I have to remind them they must eat lunch and THEN go out to play. I remember back in the day, we had like 45 minutes for lunch. They have less than 30. It takes at least 10 minutes to get through the hot lunch line for pity sake! Thus we have developed the nightly ritual of packing the lunch. They get to choose the food and they are more likely to eat it! What a concept!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ah, 16 bit goodness

These are pictures of my kids being "awed" by 16 bit Sega Genesis....or not so much.  Daddy tried to explain that back in the day, this was hi-tech/blow your hair back kinda game-playin.  But as you can see, they weren't buying the line.  Looking at his old system this weekend, one can really appreciate how much technology has changed in just a few short years.  This StarTrek game was made in the early 1990's.... compare these graphics to the DS for example.  Our boyz have one (courtesy of the "Bush" money).  To complete the Indiana Jones levels, the player sometimes has to clap their hands, or blow out a torch on screen (by really blowing into a spot on the player).  What is even more amazing to me is that the system actually still worked!