Saturday, May 14, 2011

As Charley would say ..... "Winning!"

I am very excited! This was my first run for public office and I won. My term begins in July. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I do appreciate the support. The run was not about was and is about our kids and their future.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Election day is upon us!

Tomorrow is May 3rd! Be sure to exercise your right to vote!

Remember- a vote for Angie is a vote for Mimi!

Thank you for your support!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I am very excited to announce I received a letter today stating I am being endorsed by the Kentwood Education Association/Political Action Committee.

Their blog:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

want one? I have 'em!

Email me if you would like a sign- I deliver! A vote for Angie is a vote for Mimi!

Catch the candidates on tv!

If you are interested in who is running for what on May 3rd- here are the times of recorded interviews:

WKTV Government Channel - Comcast Channel 26
and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99:

Monday April 25 6:30pm
Wednesday April 27 6:30pm
Friday April 29 6:30pm
Saturday April 30 12:30pm
Monday May 2 6:30pm

MLIVE Article

MLIVE article re:
The state Education Department is highlighting 25 West Michigan schools – including four in Grand Rapids – as among 109 saluted for “beating the odds” by demonstrating success despite “traditional barriers to academic achievement.”

Kentwood was among those honored!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Q & A time

I was asked today about the following questions. Rather than reinvent the wheel- I will just copy and paste!

1) Motivations- I have two elementary aged boys in the district- 3rd and 4th grade at Meadowlawn. My third boy is a toddler but he'll be joining his brother's soon enough. I have been very active in their education. There has been a significant change to our special education program this year in our district. This really peaked my interest in becoming more involved. Both older boys have varying special needs so not only am I concerned for the general education population being successful and independent but the special education population as well. Not only is this a challenge for our educators but a culture change for everyone involved. It is also a great opportunity to build better relationships, create tolerance/understand and produce more inclusive and mindful students.

2) Board's role/responsibilities- I feel my role, should I be elected, is liaison. I feel there can and should be more parent involvement in what goes on with our district. I feel the board members should be very much in touch with what the educators are struggling with (tools for teaching, social obstacles, budget effects etc) and what the parents view as needed and necessary. I have spent my entire career in Human Resources. I worked at Steelcase for 13 years. I understand the need for common goals, trust, and communication. Without these three, it doesn't matter what our budget is. Our growth and success is stunted if we don't work together to ensure our children have meaningful, independent, and successful adult lives.

3) Tenure and terminations: Having been in HR for several years, I firmly believe in the teachable moment. When a member of the group is not performing to ability and standard, I believe it is vital to the success of the whole team to bring the issues to light and engage in conversation. Goals should be set and agreed upon.

4) Endorsements: no political parties have endorsed me and I have not asked any groups to support me. 3 members of the current school board said I have their support.

5) my goals if elected:

work closely with parents, educators, administration and community to discover cost cutting measures that do not adversely impact our children's education

continue to support the integration of special education with general education- supporting both the culture and ensuring educators and parents have what they need to be successful

work on committees to engage parent and educator communication - increasing participation in our PTC's

fully support common core - ensuring the educators have the understanding and tools they need and ensure parents are fully informed about the how's and why's of the program

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who is Angie Forton? Part 1

Part 1

I thought I would type some of my thoughts and the positive effect I could have as a Kentwood School Board member.


Hard to think about education without thinking about budgets- especially in the past few years. This state has endured many hardships. My family has struggled with the same unemployment issues faced by many other families in my neighborhood and community. Worrying about finances makes it hard to focus on other important issues.

My point : Our district, like most other districts in the state, are going to face budget cuts. It is just a matter of how much. We need to stand together as involved parents and community members and start meaningful conversations about ways to do more with less. I feel the parents, administration, and educators need to draw on the experiences and knowledge we have to be successful. We need to understand and trust that the education, testing, and results are taking us in the right direction. If there are doubts, then those need to be voiced.

The Kentwood district had an increase in enrollment this current school year. This means houses in the neighborhood are starting to move, new families are starting to come into the district, and there will be fresh ideas to share. Kentwood is home to a population that represents over 60 countries and languages. This is a fantastic opportunity to draw on that wealth of knowledge and culture. No doubt that is also challenges. When we look at the budget -we cannot discount the needs of each child. For example: we need to ensure the arts programs have an equal seat at the budget table.

Together - the parents, educators, and administers need to work together, trust each other, and approve a sound budget that does not stunt the growth of our children's education and competitiveness. We have to prepare our kids for professions and fields that haven't even been invented yet.

Part II coming soon!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pre Election Events

It is time to get the ball rolling! A couple upcoming events for you to get involved in the Kentwood Public School Board Election Election day is May 3rd. The public forum will be held at the Kentwood Public Administration building on Eastern on Thursday April 14th at 7pm. This is a chance for the public to get to know the candidates. A series of questions, important to parents and community members, will be asked of each candidate. WKTV filmed each candidate answering questions. The final cut should be available on the Chamber of Commerce website on or after April 4th. WKTV will also air the final video a couple times in April. Those dates haven't been confirmed yet. Visit this blog often for more events and details. Want to support my election campaign? Tell your family, friends, and Kentwood neighbors to come visit my blog. I would like to count on your support. Let me know and I will get you involved. I am printing yard signs soon so there will be plenty to do!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another new picture- I couldn't create this hair if I tried!

2 boys and a green iguana! Thank you Rainforest!

Since it has been about a year since I have blogged- here is a couple new pictures of the brood!

Running for Kentwood School Board!

I am very excited to announce I am running for Kentwood School Board.
Election date is May 3, 2011.

I debated with myself about creating a new Blog for this adventure. I elected to stay with this blog because it is who I am- a mother of three boys- two currently in the Kentwood Public School system. I have a vested interest in the quality of their education, an obligation to participate in neighborhood events, and support my community. So far, I have received overwhelming support from parents, the school's my children have attended, and school administration. This adventure has only just begun so keep checking back for updates!