1) Motivations- I have two elementary aged boys in the district- 3rd and 4th grade at Meadowlawn. My third boy is a toddler but he'll be joining his brother's soon enough. I have been very active in their education. There has been a significant change to our special education program this year in our district. This really peaked my interest in becoming more involved. Both older boys have varying special needs so not only am I concerned for the general education population being successful and independent but the special education population as well. Not only is this a challenge for our educators but a culture change for everyone involved. It is also a great opportunity to build better relationships, create tolerance/understand and produce more inclusive and mindful students.
2) Board's role/responsibilities- I feel my role, should I be elected, is liaison. I feel there can and should be more parent involvement in what goes on with our district. I feel the board members should be very much in touch with what the educators are struggling with (tools for teaching, social obstacles, budget effects etc) and what the parents view as needed and necessary. I have spent my entire career in Human Resources. I worked at Steelcase for 13 years. I understand the need for common goals, trust, and communication. Without these three, it doesn't matter what our budget is. Our growth and success is stunted if we don't work together to ensure our children have meaningful, independent, and successful adult lives.
3) Tenure and terminations: Having been in HR for several years, I firmly believe in the teachable moment. When a member of the group is not performing to ability and standard, I believe it is vital to the success of the whole team to bring the issues to light and engage in conversation. Goals should be set and agreed upon.
4) Endorsements: no political parties have endorsed me and I have not asked any groups to support me. 3 members of the current school board said I have their support.
5) my goals if elected:
work closely with parents, educators, administration and community to discover cost cutting measures that do not adversely impact our children's education
continue to support the integration of special education with general education- supporting both the culture and ensuring educators and parents have what they need to be successful
work on committees to engage parent and educator communication - increasing participation in our PTC's
fully support common core - ensuring the educators have the understanding and tools they need and ensure parents are fully informed about the how's and why's of the program
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