Last weekend we were taking advantage of a cool fall Saturday with the driveway races (see below). I don't think we improved relations with our neighbors as we were rather loud. After we did this several times, all four of us took a walk on the Kent Trails which runs practically in front of our house. It is so hard to believe it is already October. Isaac is almost 6 months old. I remember when he was born, both the boys were ready to play Legos etc with him and were rather unimpressed with all the crying and sleeping. I told them around Halloween time he would be probably sitting on his own and would probably be ready to roll the ball to them and exchange some smiles. Well, both of these are ready to come to pass. He does sit a few seconds on his own before toppling over. He is full of smiles and is especially interested in his brothers right now. We they enter the room (and it is always a LOUD entrance) he is looking all over for them. They rarely stop moving so it is challenge for him to keep them in sight.
With fall comes the season of extra clothes. Oh, this is the part I DON'T enjoy. Now three kids, three sets of everything- boots, mittens, hats, snow pants.... I love the colors of fall, the cooler nights, the dwindling warmth of the sunlight, pumpkin hunting and the costumes. But there is something to be said for leaving the house in the morning in a t-shirt and sneakers.
So this year, we will have a Bumblebee and an Indiana Jones in da'haus this Halloween. I think Isaac will be doomed to a recycled costume...most likely Tiger. If it is a cold night, chances are he won't even go on the candy trail. Daddy wants to be a of Joker's clan. But the only mask he can find is the one that covers the head- way too hot. So he has a V for Vendetta mask which is really cool when he wears a hoodie over his head. Mommy needs to figure out what she is going to be. Grandma D wants to come join us on the candy trail, we will have to get her an outfit too!