This is my husband's latest project- 10 posters in the last 10 days of the race. Take a look at the website hosting his and other's artistic efforts! I am very proud of him. Three kids, full time job, full time cat, part time is hard to carve out time to be creative. And even after long lapses of creative juices, you have to admit, he still has it!
well, a very good question...because he is the easiest to forget...he gets fed part time. Which, to look at him, he definately does NOT suffer! :-) Keep up the good work on your blog, I read it all the time!
Very nice poster... but I must ask, How can you have a part-time fish??? Lol
well, a very good question...because he is the easiest to forget...he gets fed part time. Which, to look at him, he definately does NOT suffer! :-) Keep up the good work on your blog, I read it all the time!
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