Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big brother and baby brother

This big brother is very proud of his baby.  Because Isaac is getting better at holding his head steady, holding Isaac is easier for William.  William is convinced that Isaac knows karate.  So, that makes him a baby timelord (thank you Dr. Who and Z) and now a Karate master.  William helps Isaac karate chop his toys and stuffed animals.  Most times Isaac thinks that is a blast and laughs out loud.  Z loves to come over and talk to Isaac as well but hasn't stayed in one place long enough to get a picture.  I also hope to get a picture of Isaac and his buddy Tristan from daycare.  I came to pick him up yesterday and they both were on the mat together babbling and smiling at each other.  They are about the same age, Tristan is about 2-3 weeks older.

School is going well.  Everyone is trying to adjust to early waking hours and getting to bed at a decent time.  I really have to say I am blessed to be able to be home when school is out.  I walk across the street for Z and William arrives on the bus shortly after.  It gives us more time to talk about the day, get homework done and get dinner ready.  

One thing that is somewhat exciting is I signed up for  There isn't a running group for Kentwood so I kinda "started" one.  It is an army of 1 so far.  And if anyone joins, it will be more motivating for me.  I toss the kid in the stroller and head for the trail.  Once I figure out Z's bike chain (anyone have advice on how to KEEP the chain on the bike) then Will and Z can ride bikes while i jog/walk/run with the babe.  


Matt said...

Good luck with the homegrown running group. Have you looked into (any others, Mandy?) for groups that go out running?

To keep the chain on the bike, check the main sprocket (where the pedals connect) and check for bent teeth. If it has gears, make sure it isn't stuck between two gears. Also make sure the chain guard isn't bent, pushing the chain in towards the center of the bike--that will also cause the chain to pop off if you give it a lot of pressure.

Keep the posts coming! It's great to see what's going on everyone's world. You should also sign up on Facebook. It free, and really easy to keep in touch with friends there and abroad.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Actually, be sure to post the flyer for seeMOMMYrun or put a note in the local paper or your homeowners newsletter. The site really does work! I've met my best friends in the entire world through the site. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...


Mandy said...

post it on craigslist...sure you will probably get a few crazies, but that is half the fun. No seriously, that is how I found my running group. Also check with the running stores, the YMCA,