Saturday, November 22, 2008

Typical Friday night

These are pictures from a pretty typical Friday night: lots of computers, baby drool and hanging.  We are excitiedly preparing for the arrival of Unk and Aunt Mandy, Grandma D will come to visit, Grandpop and Grandma Jan will be here as well with Bousha starting off the holiday this weekend. But thankfully, we will only have one turkey dinner.  One can only eat so much bird.  This year's theme is Mexican food.  Last year it was Indian.  Maybe next year it will be German? Only time will tell!  The weather is frosty outside, really time to get plastic up on the windows.  What a necessary pain.  Still no pearlies for the baby yet.  He is chewing on everything in sight (see a couple entries below for further proof) so we are waiting to see when they pop out.  Will and Z get out half day next Wednesday so they are excited as well!

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