We got the call about a year ago that she had passed. Not a surprise as her health had been steadily failing since October -nonetheless sad. Then ensued the mad dash to pack, arrange, and get to Mt. P for the wake and funeral. And we were lucky enough to be in the same state! Thou shall not complain too much!
So a year later, there is plenty to reflect upon. I now have three sons. Isaac is 10 months old now. Blonder than blonde, full of life and personality. He is starting to scoot around and cruise the couch. Now if only I could get him to sleep through the night. One thing I do wish was that GG could have held him. I have a feeling she is around and has seen him but to really hold him, that would have been great.
Now, what better way to celebrate a person's life is to remember the fun and good times? What did GG like!? Chicken wings, bacon, microwave fries, "little porkies", okee dokee popcorn and a cup of soda during evening programs, being teased about the Green Spot, Golden Coral (oh, no one said your taste was ALWAYS good- no one is perfect) everyone to take their shoes off at the door (lest we be able to OPEN and SHUT the door with all those shoes there), for us to come and stay a while (or longer if possible), loved to tell us what was in the fridge and for us to eat at least one of each thing in the fridge, babies..she loved babies, Could not understand when they got to be about one year old why they just won't stay on her lap quietly, and family. She really loved getting everyone together at the holidayz. I remember when I was really young, we used to have 4th of July at her house. That was back when everyone would put a beer or two away- even her.
So, how has she influenced my life!? Well, now, like her, I have three children. And JUST LIKE HER, I have already started calling everyone by someone else's name. I did not think that was going to happen for a while. But when you think about it Zach and Isaac have similar sounds. You know it is bad when you call kids by their brother's nicknames. Then you know it is downhill from here. I make coffee and then cannot figure out where i put it. Hmmm, that might be GG or my mom - most likely both! I really feel blessed I got to live with her during college. Now, had you asked me my opinion at the time, it might have been a bit different. But now as I reflect- i got to know her much more than I would have otherwise. What is that phrase, something about hind sight!?
Part 2 will following this entry soon!
1 comment:
Ok, well I am certain you are trying to kill me! Second I signed on, waterworks started and still haven't stopped. I WISH IT WAS ME that was hugging her:( I miss her every SINGLE day and often cry at night. She has no idea of the impact her passing has had on us all. You squared it up perfectly. I can't wait for your part 2 but I am afraid it will kill me entirely. CANNOT believe tomorrow is a year and she has been sadly missed the WHOLE TIME! Jess
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