Monday, July 28, 2008

So, I have added some pictures...all my babies and a dragonfly. Yes, that insect is real. I caught him while I was hanging up laundry this weekend. I could not believe I caught him. We all oogled at him for a couple minutes and then set him free again. Something as simple as that ...a the reason I try to do things for the environment. Hang laundry (love the smell of clean clothes) to reduce energy used, reuseable bags at Meijer, reuseable water jugs vs plastic waterbottles etc. But what is more important is what we impress upon our our kids. Turn off the lights, finish your food, shut the fridge, eat your carrots....when I utter these things, I am sure I am channeling mothers since the dawn of ....birth, I guess. A mothers natural instinct: create a world that encourages children to grow but without the extra stress of the current day. I was really active with the Tibetan movement and concerned about the environment when I was in highschool and college. I think that tripled when I had my first child. The world really does look different after that small event occurs. The need to protect and allow one to flurish is an internal wrestling match.
and now for something completely different....
Off to dig the glass out of my husband's foot and ensure all three boys are in bed before dawn..


Mandy said...

My favorite pic is baby and bob! Congrats on your blog! Smooch to all of ya'll!!!

Angie said...

bob cannot get close enough and helps the baby keep the floor mat warm by constantly laying on it! bless his heart!

Anonymous said...

Those kids are soooo cute and getting big! How does it happen? Love the insight on the environment, YOU GO GIRL!!! Jess

elizabeth said...

Yay! VERY cool, Ang! Um, I missed the memo on Loki...that sucks! I wonder about Gypsum and Banshee...they are gettin' up there. Laura likes to try to KICK them (UGH!). Look at that BEAUTIFUL baby!! Thank you so much for having me on the list. : ) Alas, I went Picasa instead of Flickr, but I bet Mark could explain why it is better..: ).