Monday, December 1, 2008

removing any doubt

This video tells it all.  The sheer love of the Doctor of Who.  And now my dear brother can prove to his British coworker friends that the game Dalek Operation was truly for his nephew and not himself!  I think bonkers is a good description.  A big thank you to everyone involved..this was an epic event.  We even took the boys downstairs the next day and showed them on our gigantic map (on the wall) where the game came from and the stops it made in order to get here!  Jolly good!


Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME! I got Trevor a couple of Dr Who Figurines, from the first one to the new Dr in the Tardus! (IS??) Anyway, I am sure Z is through the ROOF on that one! He sure looks happy:P


Anonymous said...

Hey Ang I've been catching up on your life/blog. The boys are so cute I can’t believe how big Will is holy hell and the rest too!! It’s amazing what one can miss in just a couple years. Please shoot me an email at


Mandy said...

"Thank you for my new operation"....classic Zach, this is totally going in his HS yearbook!