Second picture is of Isaac and his best daycare buddy Tristan. When I show him this picture, he just grins from ear to ear. They truly do have the best time together.
3and4 are of da'boyz and their latest Lego creations. I was very proud of both of them because other than a piece or two, they put the ships together themselves! That is the best thing about Legos...there are so many possibilities!
The last picture is daddy and baby. This picture was just taken this past weekend. If you haven't heard, Isaac is battling RSV right now. It is an upper respiratory virus that can be dangerous especially to those children under 2 years old. He has a good wheeze going but the doc said he should be just fine in about a week. I had planned to go visit my good buddy Elizabeth in the hospital and to meet her new baby Charlotte Lynn but with RSV visiting us, we could not go visit them. Big bummer too because I am off the week while Steelcase has a shut down of it's GR plants. All the things you want to do if you had time to do it. Now I have to see how baby is feeling before I am able to check off anything on my to-do list. He spiked a temp of 102 yesterday. He has been such a trooper. Every smile I get makes me feel a bit better. At the very beginning, I had considered flying to Denver to visit Matt and Mandy. It just was not good timing and boy, am I glad I did not reserve tickets. With him being sick like this, I am very glad I did not plan to leave.
1 comment:
Good post. I'm still amazed at how persistant you are in posting all the time. I can hardly find time to do it and I don't have 3 kids to take of. Crazy. Hope the lil' trooper gets better soon and that you enjoy some of this time off.
Give me a call some time this week, and we'll catch up. Love you!
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