Picture #1 is one of Mark's Christmas presents. I had all of his 10 pieces printed and framed for our living room. It was really neat to see all of them printed and in the same place. It is a large frame and takes up most of one wall in our living room. It commands the attention when you walk in the room
Picture #2
This is a snapshot of the publications his pieces have been in thus far. What I did not (and could not) take pictures of was the art exhibit he was chosen to be in DC for the inauguration. He is also featured in several fellow blogs and other websites.
All of this is very exciting. It is inspiring.
It also brings some reflection. With any dream, one must ask themselves...what is success? When has "one arrived"? Who's gauge do you use? The media? the all mighty dollar? The neighborhood gossip? I asked Mark this one time....and he said recognition. Doesn't have to be money- just the fact that people that don't know him like his work, appreciate what he does and the work inspires. That is why this breakthrough holds so much weight. Not only is it folks really liking what they see but the content itself is very important. Like this success, President Elect Obama indicates change and hope. The tall challenges facing our next president will cause his administration to pick and choose what gets done first. This is not unlike anything in life. There is an adage at Steelcase- when starting a project- 70% right is good enough to get started- improve as the process develops. And like creating art, if one never starts, one will most definitely will never finish. Keeping the engine warm and choosing what to do next is half of the fun.
Mark, I am very proud of you, now keep it up!
1 comment:
That’s amazing that Mark is doing so well with his designs, especially in dire times like these. And you’re right it is inspiring to see what good changes could have in store for America. Just being over here has given me such a different outlook on the rest of the world and how poorly we as Americans are looked at. Hopefully Obama can lead use toward a more united America and strengthen our foreign relations.
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