don't get between this man and his mac!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
watch the last three seconds close
next it will be "just drop me off here, I don't want anyone to see the car or YOU!"
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Just an afternoon growing up a little at a time. I cannot help but feel very blessed every day- for everything I have.
GG part II
So the snow looks like it is trying to make way for spring. Then the 20 day sneaks back up on me and out we haul boots and gloves again. And just like the weather, there are times I think of her often and other times, she is just comfortably in the background. But I am certain she will never leave. I happen to believe that folks that aren't alive are still with us. And I can tell you there have been a few times that while playing with Isaac in the afternoon, driving to or from work or doing mundane activities, I will suddenly think of her. Again, just my belief, but I think at that time she is thinking of me, hanging out or something is connecting. Or maybe it is wishful thinking. Whatever it is...doesn't matter really. I just know the memories come back and I relive them and it is good. I mention her to the kids once in a while- the foods she liked, didn't like, things she liked to do etc.. I think it is a good idea because as they grow up, I don't know about you, it is nice to have interests or tastes related to others sometimes. Kids can appreciate the fact that there is someone else out there that likes/dislikes the same stuff they do. Especially when it is someone that loves them and they love back. and it ISN'T mom and dad!
So here is to GG...
So here is to GG...
Friday, February 20, 2009
GG part 1

We got the call about a year ago that she had passed. Not a surprise as her health had been steadily failing since October -nonetheless sad. Then ensued the mad dash to pack, arrange, and get to Mt. P for the wake and funeral. And we were lucky enough to be in the same state! Thou shall not complain too much!
So a year later, there is plenty to reflect upon. I now have three sons. Isaac is 10 months old now. Blonder than blonde, full of life and personality. He is starting to scoot around and cruise the couch. Now if only I could get him to sleep through the night. One thing I do wish was that GG could have held him. I have a feeling she is around and has seen him but to really hold him, that would have been great.
Now, what better way to celebrate a person's life is to remember the fun and good times? What did GG like!? Chicken wings, bacon, microwave fries, "little porkies", okee dokee popcorn and a cup of soda during evening programs, being teased about the Green Spot, Golden Coral (oh, no one said your taste was ALWAYS good- no one is perfect) everyone to take their shoes off at the door (lest we be able to OPEN and SHUT the door with all those shoes there), for us to come and stay a while (or longer if possible), loved to tell us what was in the fridge and for us to eat at least one of each thing in the fridge, babies..she loved babies, Could not understand when they got to be about one year old why they just won't stay on her lap quietly, and family. She really loved getting everyone together at the holidayz. I remember when I was really young, we used to have 4th of July at her house. That was back when everyone would put a beer or two away- even her.
So, how has she influenced my life!? Well, now, like her, I have three children. And JUST LIKE HER, I have already started calling everyone by someone else's name. I did not think that was going to happen for a while. But when you think about it Zach and Isaac have similar sounds. You know it is bad when you call kids by their brother's nicknames. Then you know it is downhill from here. I make coffee and then cannot figure out where i put it. Hmmm, that might be GG or my mom - most likely both! I really feel blessed I got to live with her during college. Now, had you asked me my opinion at the time, it might have been a bit different. But now as I reflect- i got to know her much more than I would have otherwise. What is that phrase, something about hind sight!?
Part 2 will following this entry soon!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
ice, anyone!?

Here is my little ice skater. He had never gone before. GR has a ice rink so we thought we would give it a go. My size 9's were horribly uncomfortable so we made it around the rink about 4 times and were ready for hot coco (he calls it warm coco because hot means it burns- smart boy!). We never fell once- pretty darn impressive. And sunny, today was very sunny.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
my goonies

life in the Forton lane....

Second picture is of Isaac and his best daycare buddy Tristan. When I show him this picture, he just grins from ear to ear. They truly do have the best time together.
3and4 are of da'boyz and their latest Lego creations. I was very proud of both of them because other than a piece or two, they put the ships together themselves! That is the best thing about Legos...there are so many possibilities!
The last picture is daddy and baby. This picture was just taken this past weekend. If you haven't heard, Isaac is battling RSV right now. It is an upper respiratory virus that can be dangerous especially to those children under 2 years old. He has a good wheeze going but the doc said he should be just fine in about a week. I had planned to go visit my good buddy Elizabeth in the hospital and to meet her new baby Charlotte Lynn but with RSV visiting us, we could not go visit them. Big bummer too because I am off the week while Steelcase has a shut down of it's GR plants. All the things you want to do if you had time to do it. Now I have to see how baby is feeling before I am able to check off anything on my to-do list. He spiked a temp of 102 yesterday. He has been such a trooper. Every smile I get makes me feel a bit better. At the very beginning, I had considered flying to Denver to visit Matt and Mandy. It just was not good timing and boy, am I glad I did not reserve tickets. With him being sick like this, I am very glad I did not plan to leave.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
look at him go!

Picture #1 is one of Mark's Christmas presents. I had all of his 10 pieces printed and framed for our living room. It was really neat to see all of them printed and in the same place. It is a large frame and takes up most of one wall in our living room. It commands the attention when you walk in the room
Picture #2
This is a snapshot of the publications his pieces have been in thus far. What I did not (and could not) take pictures of was the art exhibit he was chosen to be in DC for the inauguration. He is also featured in several fellow blogs and other websites.
All of this is very exciting. It is inspiring.
It also brings some reflection. With any dream, one must ask themselves...what is success? When has "one arrived"? Who's gauge do you use? The media? the all mighty dollar? The neighborhood gossip? I asked Mark this one time....and he said recognition. Doesn't have to be money- just the fact that people that don't know him like his work, appreciate what he does and the work inspires. That is why this breakthrough holds so much weight. Not only is it folks really liking what they see but the content itself is very important. Like this success, President Elect Obama indicates change and hope. The tall challenges facing our next president will cause his administration to pick and choose what gets done first. This is not unlike anything in life. There is an adage at Steelcase- when starting a project- 70% right is good enough to get started- improve as the process develops. And like creating art, if one never starts, one will most definitely will never finish. Keeping the engine warm and choosing what to do next is half of the fun.
Mark, I am very proud of you, now keep it up!
Monday, January 5, 2009
hear that?
So, there is a story my parents used to tell me. I always thought A) it was a neat story because of how they could tell I was awake as a baby and B) that they could hear me at all. Now as a parent of three kids, I can relate to how life continues but takes on such profound and simple changes.
So here is the story....
When I was a toddler and when my parents would have friends over, I would be in my crib sleeping. With the noise of the guests and music playing, they would stop mid-sentance and say "Angie is awake" This would always surprise the guests. With all the commotion, how in the world would they be able to tell I was awake? They could hear my nails scratching on the crib sheet. That is is some pretty powerful hearing.
As I was putting Isaac down for a nap and walking out of his room, I heard the distinct sound of his nails scratching on the crib sheet. I stood in the doorway for a minute and just listened remembering the story. It always amazes me how well Mark can hear the baby crying - kids running around, fan on, tv on and he will look at me midsentance and say "Isaac is awake!"
Here is to keen hearing!
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